Shareware Grab Bag
Shareware Grab Bag.iso
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250 lines
; HELP.COM by Bob Montgomery, 2/23/87
; This program is a generic help screen template for use with the A86
; assembler. The desired help message is written as db's at Hlpst in
; place of the test message that is there now. The only restrictions
; on the help message are:
; 1. The message must not exceed 80 characters wide.
; 2. The message must not exceed 25 lines long.
; 3. Each help line must be the same length.
; The program will auto center the message on the display screen. The hot
; key combo to bring up the help screen is defined as Hotkey below (set
; for Cntl-Leftshift right now) and can be changed to another combination
; by changing the equate for Hotkey.
jmp Init ;Initialize program
Esc equ 1Bh
Vidmem equ 0B800 ;Location of screen 0
Monomem equ 0B000 ;Location of mono screen
BWattr equ 70h ;Grey background, black foreground
; Bits in shift status
Rtsh equ 1
Lftsh equ 2
Cntl equ 4
Alt equ 8
Scrl equ 10h
Numl equ 20h
Capl equ 40h
Mode db ? ;Current video mode
Vpage db ? ;Current video page
Vidseg dw ? ;Current page segment
Hlpflg db 0 ;1 => Help on
Attr db ? ;Attribute to use
Cursor dw ? ;Current cursor type
; =================================================================
; This is the VEdit Plus help message to be displayed in blue on white
; when Cntl-Left Shift pressed. 74 char X 25 lines screen size.
Colattr equ 71h ;White background, blue foreground
Hotkey equ Cntl+Lftsh ;Cntl-Left Shift key combo brings up screen
Hlpst: db 201,72 dup(205),187 ;Border chars
Linchr equ $-Hlpst ;Chars on each help line
db 186,' VEdit Plus Help by Bob Montgomery Esc to Exit ',186
db 186,'All E & R Commands after Esc Reg n=0-9 & A-Z ^=Cntl a=Alt *=filespec',186
db 186,' Cursor Movement Block/Find File/Set Cmds Miscellaneous ',186
db 199,72 dup(196),182
db 186,'^Home Top of File',179,'F9 Block Start ',179,'EA Save File ',179,'F1 Scroll Left ',186
DB 186,'^End End of File',179,'F9n Copy to Reg n',179,'EB * Open File ',179,'F2 Scroll Right ',186
db 186,' F3 St of Line ',179,'aF9n Cut to Reg n',179,'EF Close File ',179,'Home Scroll Up ',186
db 186,' F6 End of Line',179,'F10n Insert Reg n',179,'EG * Get File ',179,'End Scroll Down ',186
db 186,' F5 St Next Line',179,'aF1 Find Text ',179,'EW * Write File ',179,'F7 Decrease Indent',186
db 186,' ^J St/End Line ',179,'aF2 Replace Text',179,'EX Save & Exit ',179,'F8 Increase Indent',186
db 186,' ^K Top/Bot Scrn',179,'aF3 Cancel Oper ',179,'EQ(Y) Quit & Exit',179,'^P Mrk Prnt St/End',186
DB 186,' ^V Word Left ',179,'^Rn Repeat=n ',179,'EZ(Y) Quit & Stay',179,'^C Del Prev Word ',186
DB 186,' ^B Word Right ',179,'RSn * Save Reg n ',179,'ED Display Dir ',179,'^N Del Next Word ',186
DB 186,'^PgUp Prev Paragr',179,'RLn * Load Reg n ',179,'EP3 n IndntIncr=n',179,'^Z Del to End Line',186
DB 186,'^PgDn Next Paragr',179,'^Sn Set Bkmark n ',179,'EP7 n Wdwrp Col=n',179,'^X Del This Line ',186
DB 186,' Tab Tab Text Rt',179,'^Gn Goto Bkmark n',179,'ET n Tab Incr=n ',179,'^U Undo Line Chngs',186
DB 186,' F4 Tab Cursor Rt',179,'^F Format Paragrf',179,'ES1 1 Expand Tabs',179,'^L Nxt Chr Literal',186
DB 186,' Commands (after Esc), where $=Esc; n=# => Forever (to end of file) ',186
DB 186,' n[Cmds]=Repeat Cmds n times from cursor ^Q=Next Char Literal ',186
DB 186,' B Goto Text Strt',179,'Gr Insert Reg r ',179,' nFstring$ Find nth string occurance',186
DB 186,' Z Goto Text End ',179,'nK Kill n Lines ',179,' Itext$ Insert text at cursor ',186
DB 186,' nC Advnc n Chars',179,'nL Advnce n Lines',179,' nSs1$s2$ Change s1 to s2 n times ',186
db 186,' nD Del n Chars ',179,'nT Type n Lines ',179,' V Return to Visual Mode ',186
db 200,72 dup(205),188
; ====================================================================
Msglen equ $-Hlpst ;# chars in help buffer
Lines equ Msglen/Linchr ;# lines of help
Buflen equ 2*Msglen ;Screen data buffer length
Stlin equ (25-Lines)/2 ;Start line
Stchr equ (80-Linchr)/2 ;Start byte on line
Stscr equ 160*Stlin + 2*Stchr ;Start of mem to put help
Scrbuf: db Buflen dup (?) ;Buffer for screen data
; New Int 9 routine - check for Cntrl-LShift; ignore others.
; Since Int 9 is called every time a key is pressed or released, and
; reads the keyboard thru some mysterious means in BIOS, we must call
; the old Int 9 as a subroutine each time an Int 9 is generated. But,
; an interrupt routine has a IRET instead of a RET as the return
; instruction, which pops the return address like a RET does, and then
; pops the flags. So to call Int 9 like a subroutine, we have to push
; the flags first; then when the the IRET is executed, control returns
; to our program with the stack pointer at the right place.
Start: push ax,bx,cx,dx,ds,es,di,si ;Save all for calling program
pushf ;Put flags on stack since Int pops flags
Oldint: call 0000:0000 ;Call old Int 9 to get key-will pop flags
mov ah,2 ;Get shift status
Int 16h ;in al
and al,Hotkey ;Only keep Hot keys
cmp al,Hotkey ;Were both pressed?
jne Exit ;No
mov ds,cs ;Yes, set ds=cs
cmp Hlpflg,1 ;Is help already up?
jne Go ;No, put it up
; If help is already up, ignore the Hotkey.
Exit: pop si,di,es,ds,dx,cx,bx,ax ;Restore all for calling program
iret ;Pop return address and flags
; Come here if should put up help.
Go: mov al,Colattr ;Assume color
mov Attr,al
mov ah,15 ;Get video mode in al
int 10h ;and page in bh
mov Mode,al ;Save Mode
mov Vpage,bh ;and page
cmp al,2 ;Mode=2?
je Color ;Yes
cmp al,3 ;Mode=3?
je Color ;Yes
cmp al,7 ;Mode=7? (mono)
jne Exit ;No, must be graphics so exit
mov al,BWattr ;Set B&W attribute
mov Attr,al
mov bx,Monomem ;and start of mono video memory
jmp short A0
Color: mov bl,0 ;Bx=256*display page
add bx,Vidmem ;Get display mem segment
A0: mov ds,bx ;in ds
; Put up help screen.
; First save current screen to buffer.
call Hidecur ;Hide cursor
call Vidoff ;Disable video (avoids snow on CGA)
mov dl,Lines ;Get # lines of help
mov es,cs ;es=cs
mov si,Stscr ;ds:si points to help screen area in disp mem
mov di,Scrbuf ;es:di points to buffer for screen data
push si,es,ds ;Save them
mov ch,0 ;ch=0
mov cl,Linchr ;cx=chars/help line
A1: push si,cx ;Save position in scrn mem & chars/line
cld ;Set to inc si & di
rep movsw ;Move screen to buffer
pop cx,si ;Get start of line & chars/line
add si,160 ;Next line, same column
dec dl ;Done all lines?
jne A1 ;No
; Now put up help.
pop es,ds,di ;Now ds=cs, es:di=help scrn area in screen mem
push di,ds,es ;Put back in orig order
mov si,Hlpst ;Point si to help data
mov dl,Lines ;Get chars/help line
mov ah,Attr ;Get char attribute (color)
B1: push di,cx ;Save disp mem pos & chars/help line
B2: lodsb ;Get a help char in al
stosw ;Save char & attribute in screen mem
loop B2 ;Do whole line
pop cx,di ;Get start of disp line & chars/line
add di,160 ;Next line, same column
dec dl ;Done all lines?
jne B1 ;No
mov Hlpflg,1 ;Yes, indicate help up
call Vidon ;and enable video
; Now, wait for the escape key; come here after each keypress (Int 9).
Wait1: mov ah,0 ;Wait for a key
int 16h
cmp al,Esc ;Was it Escape?
jne Wait1 ;No
; If Esc was pressed, put the old screen back
pop es,ds,di ;ds=cs; es:di=start of help area in disp mem
mov si,Scrbuf ;Point to old screen data buffer
call Vidoff ;Disable video (avoid snow on CGA)
mov dl,Lines ;Chars/help line
C1: push di,cx ;Save scrn mem pointer & chars/line
rep movsw ;Move a line to scrn mem
pop cx,di ;Get start of line & chars/line
add di,160 ;Next line, same column
dec dl ;Done all lines?
jne C1 ;No
mov Hlpflg,0 ;Yes, clear flag
call Vidon ;Enable video
call Showcur ;Turn cursor back on
jmp Exit ;and return
; Sub to turn cursor off; come with ds=video.
Hidecur: push cx,ds
mov ds,cs ;ds=cs
mov ah,3 ;Get current cursor data
mov bh,Vpage ;for current page
int 10h
mov Cursor,cx ;Save cursor type
mov ch,20h ;Set cursor off
mov ah,1
int 10h
pop ds,cx
; Sub to turn cursor on; come with ds=cs.
Showcur: mov cx,Cursor ;Set original cursor Type
mov bh,Vpage
mov ah,1
int 10h
; Turn video off
Vidoff: cs cmp Mode,7 ;Mono?
je D0 ;Yes, skip wait for vert retrace
push ds,dx,ax
call Getmode ;Get current video mode byte
and al,0F7 ;Clear video enable bit
out dx,al ;Send to mode control port
pop ax,dx,ds
D0: ret
; Turn video on
Vidon: cs cmp Mode,7 ;Mono?
je E0 ;Yes, skip wait for vert retrace
push ds,dx,ax
call Getmode ;Get current video mode byte
or al,8 ;Set video enable bit
out dx,al ;Send to mode control port
pop ax,dx,ds
E0: ret
; Sub to wait for vertical retrace to avoid snow on CGA screen.
Vert: mov dx,3DAh ;CRT status port
F1: in al,dx ;Read status
test al,8 ;Vert retrace?
je F1 ;No
mov dx,3D8h ;Point to video mode port
ret ;Yes, return
Getmode: call Vert ;Wait for vert retrace
mov ax,40h ;Get video mode
mov ds,ax ;at 465h
mov al,b[65h]
ret ;and return
; Come here to install the program as the new Int 9 routine.
Init: mov ax,3509h ;Get current Int 9 vector
int 21h ;in es:bx
mov ds,cs ;this code
mov w[Oldint+1],bx ;Save it
mov w[Oldint+3],es
mov ax,2509h ;Set new Int 9 routine
mov dx,Start
int 21h
mov dx,Init ;Terminate and
int 27h ;stay resident